Phone and OTP Auth For Frappe


A lot of our end-users belong to the non-email majority. For such users, we have long preferred using phone and OTP authentication as a reliable alternative. Here's a simple module that implements this using MSG91.

Note that Frappe supports 2-Factor authentication using a phone and OTP. Here, we are talking about phone and OTP as the first and only factor.


In order to use this code, we need to:

import frappe
import string
import random
import requests


def random_string_generator(str_size, allowed_chars):
    return "".join(random.choice(allowed_chars) for x in range(str_size))

def send_sms(phone, otp, domain):
    # Strip out + when sending SMS
    phone = phone.replace("+", "")
    url = ""

    headers = {
        "accept": "application/json",
        "content-type": "application/json",
        "authkey": frappe.conf["msg91_authkey"],
    payload = {
        "template_id": frappe.conf["msg91_template_id"],
        "sender": frappe.conf.get("msg91_sender_id") or "IoTRDY",
        "short_url": "0",
        "mobiles": phone,
        "var1": domain,
        "var2": otp,
    response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
        return response.json()
    except Exception as e:
        return {"error": str(e)}

def generate_otp_for_phone(phone, domain):
    payload = {
        "success": False,
        "message": None,
    if phone[0] != "+":
        phone = f"+91{phone}"  # Set India as default
    otp = random_string_generator(4, string.digits)
    frappe.cache().set(f"{REDIS_PREFIX}:{phone}", otp, ex=300)
        send_sms(phone=phone, otp=otp, domain=domain)
        payload["success"] = True
        payload["message"] = f"OTP sent by SMS sent to {phone}"
    except Exception as e:
        payload["message"] = str(e)
    return payload

def verify_otp_for_phone(phone, otp):
    payload = {
        "success": False,
        "message": None,
    if phone[0] != "+":
        phone = f"+91{phone}"  # Set India as default
    key = f"{REDIS_PREFIX}:{phone}"
    stored_otp = frappe.cache().get(key).decode("utf-8")
    if not stored_otp == otp:
        payload["message"] = "Incorrect OTP."
        return payload

        user = frappe.db.get("User", {"mobile_no": phone})
    except Exception as e:
        payload["message"] = "User not found."
        return payload

    # Delete stored OTP

    # Now log in as user
    from frappe.auth import CookieManager, LoginManager

    frappe.local.cookie_manager = CookieManager()
    frappe.local.login_manager = LoginManager()
    return frappe.local.login_manager.login_as(

We then expose these functions via so they can be called from our mobile apps:

import frappe
from iotready_otp.utils import generate_otp_for_phone, verify_otp_for_phone

def generate_otp(phone):
    return generate_otp_for_phone(phone)

def verify_otp(phone, otp):
    return verify_otp_for_phone(phone, otp)
